Continuing Resolutions
Before targeting platform priorities, participants at the 2023 SDANW annual conference adopted three resolutions to further amplify the Network’s commitment to Native women, to voting rights, and to LBGTQ2S+ (a.k.a. LBGTQ+ and Two Spirit) issues.
These resolutions, adopted by unanimous consent on July 29, 2023, become part of SDANW’s values statements and remain in effect unless formally rescinded.
Native Women
Whereas SDANW members occupy the ancestral lands of the Oceti Sakowin,
which is known as the Seven Council Fires;
Whereas before this land was called South Dakota, it was home to the Indian
Nations indigenous to this region;
Now, therefore be it resolved that SDANW acknowledges the sovereignty of the
nine federally recognized Native nations in South Dakota and affirms its
commitment to advocacy on behalf of Native women and the women of the Cheyenne River, Crow Creek, Flandreau Santee, Lower Brule, Oglala, Rosebud, Sisseton-Wahpeton, Standing Rock and Yankton Sioux Tribes.
Adopted by unanimous consent July 29, 2023
Voting Rights
Whereas inclusive voting rights are fundamental to democracy;
Whereas women in the U.S. struggled for over 70 years to achieve the right to
vote in 1920; and
Whereas achieving the goals of the 1977 National Plan of Action is largely
dependent on the free and fair conduct of elections;
Now, therefore be it resolved that SDANW affirms its strong support for
legislation and practices that ensure convenient voter registration,
eliminate restrictive voter identification laws, provide safe, secure voting
processes, and reduce barriers to voting.
Adopted by unanimous consent July 29, 2023
LBGTQ+ and Two Spirit Communities
Whereas the LBGTQ2S+ communities continue to face discrimination and intolerance on the
basis of sexual preference, orientation and gender identity; and
Whereas by protecting the rights of every individual, SDANW enhances and
strengthens the value of everyone throughout our society;
Now, therefore be it resolved that SDANW affirms its support for LBGTQ2S+ persons in our
state and stands with them to protect their personal autonomy and civil rights and
their ability to live openly, equally and without fear.
Adopted by unanimous consent July 29, 2023